“Environmental Writing”

Brett  Mecrones                                                                                                                                                        10/27/17
ENV 104                                                                                                                                                                           Dr. H

                                                                                 Journal 4


In both cases the Hawaiian Monk Seals and Vaquita was very interesting to learn about.

They are both endangered and people are trying to find solutions why these species are

endangered? Hawaiian Monk Seals and Vaquita are both beautiful and special creatures to the

marine biome. The problem in both of these cases is that how do we save these species? What

can we do to prevent the Hawaiian Monk Seals and Vaquita to become endangered?


The Hawaiian Monk Seals are only found on the Hawaiian Islands. There are no more

then 1,300 individuals, this seal is one of the rarest mammals in the world. “The monk seal uses

isolated beaches for resting, molting, and rearing its young, and pups need to spend their first

six weeks onshore with their mothers”(EarthJustice).  Their population is decreasing due to bad

habitats for the monk seals and climate change. “Rising sea levels from global warming spell

trouble for the highly endangered Hawaiian monk seal”(EarthJustice). The rising sea levels

causes the beaches to flood and wash out their habitat.


The Vaquita is also endangered like the Hawaiian Monk Seals. The Vaquita looks like a

dolphin but has a little bit of a different structure. “Vaquita, the world’s most rare marine

mammal, is on the edge of extinction”(WWF). Like the Hawaiian Monk Seals the Vaquita is

decreasing rapidly through the last couple years. Their habitat is the ocean and our found in the

Gulf of California. Fishermen’s are illegally catching the Vaquita because they have a totoaba

swim bladder, which one pound is worth four thousand dollars. These people who catches these

fish are selling and trading the totoaba swim bladder to other people. “It is this illegal trade that

is currently driving the precipitous decline in vaquita numbers”(WWF). Both the Vaquita and

Hawaiian  Monk Seals are similar because they are both in endangered in the ocean and don’t

have a suitable habitat for themselves. Also their populations are decreasing dramatically. The

difference is that they both have different threats. Climate change like global warming  is

affecting the Hawaiian Monk Seals and the Vaquita is becoming extinct due to illegal fishing.


The Hawaiian Monk Seals and Vaquita both need our help to save them to not become

extinct. We can help the Hawaiian Monk Seal by picking up marine debris on the beach. There

are many organizations that are trying to save these species. But the most important thing is

that climate change is happening and that’s a major problem, which Hawaiian Monk Seals are

being affected. We can save the Vaquita by spreading the word that Vaquita are struggling to

Survive. Also people can buy sustainable seafood, so they won’t be affected. Another thing we

can do is support the area and their habitat. An organization called WWF are working to ensure

they can live and thrive in their natural habitat. The Hawaiian Monk Seals and Vaquita are not

the only species endangered. Many other species are endangered and  the greatest threat that

faces many species is the widespread destruction of habitat. Scientists tell us the best way to

protect endangered species is to protect the special places where they live. Wildlife must have

places to find food, shelter and raise their young. What can I do  to help get the word out about

these and other endangered species is raise awareness and clean up debris that are in the way

with some of the species. I can raise awareness by spreading the word in the communities

about local threatened species. Also I can tell other people how species are endangered and

they are struggling to survived. Finally, I can volunteer my  time to help clean debris from

species habitats that are being affected by debris.


Works Cited

WWF 2017

Earth Justice 2017 https://earthjustice.org/irreplaceable/hawaiian-monk-seal?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy9vpnKiP1wIVDgFpCh2f5wVQEAAYASAAEgJaTfD_BwE